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As feminists, we often talk about the need for equality and empowerment in all aspects of life, including the way we view and treat our bodies. Unfortunately, in our society, gaining weight is often seen as a negative thing, as if we're "letting ourselves go." But what if we reframe this concept and instead celebrate the freedom that comes with letting go of societal expectations around our bodies?
When we focus on our weight and appearance as a measure of our worth, we can become trapped in a never-ending cycle of dieting, exercising, and self-criticism. It's exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling. However, when we let go of these expectations, we open ourselves up to a world of self-love and acceptance.
Letting yourself go doesn't mean giving up on your health or neglecting self-care. It means prioritizing your well-being and happiness over external pressures to conform to a certain standard. It means accepting your body for what it is, rather than trying to change it to fit someone else's idea of perfection.
In a world that constantly bombards us with messages about what our bodies should look like, learning to love and accept ourselves can be a radical act of resistance. It allows us to break free from the narrow standards of beauty that have been imposed upon us and create our own definitions of what it means to be beautiful and worthy.
So let's embrace the idea of "letting ourselves go" as a positive thing. Let's celebrate the freedom that comes with releasing ourselves from society's expectations and allowing ourselves to be happy just the way we are. When we learn to love and accept ourselves, we set an example for others to do the same, and we create a world where all bodies are celebrated and valued.